Crafty Girls #6 - Chalkboards!

It's taken awhile for the Crafty Girls to have time in their busy schedules to create, but we finally set a date and made it happen!  We decided to do chalkboards with a new technique that was a lot of fun.  With each crafty day, we have a theme, but we also enjoy having the freedom to work on whatever we like as well.  Seems like we always learn something new from one another!

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Emily S. made a cute plaque out of pages from a vintage book for the school media center where she works, Emily P. made a chalkboard for a friend, I completed a project for a wedding, Wendy and Kimber made framed pieces.  Not shown is Noelle, who had a beautiful mirror that she turned into a chalkboard for her daughter.  She used a pink paint, which was very cool!

The technique we used for the chalkboards is quite simple.  Draw or print up a design on regular paper and enlarge as needed.  Rub chalk on the back of the paper.  Tape the paper to the front of your surface, and then transfer the design (either chalkboard spray painted glass or an artist's canvas) by tracing over it with a pencil.  "Season" the item by rubbing chalk over it and wipe the excess off with a soft cloth.  Pop it in a frame (and add a bow like Kimber did) and voila!  

Wendy paints her design, while Emily S. ModPodges her surface.  Emily P works on transferring her design.

Noelle painted words in each corner of that great mirror and Kimber works on her glass frame project.

Some of the materials we used - an array of inexpensive supplies

A closer look at a  project in process

We added a ribbon and a small bundle of chalk to the finished project since it was going to be given as a gift shortly after our get-together. This chalkboard was meant to be written on - "Keep Calm and Keep On Crafting" perhaps?

Instructions and step by step pictures can be found on the Craft Instructions page.


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